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The hours for the week of February 10th through February 15th
Monday 11-5
Tuesday 11-5
Wednesday 11-5
Thursday 11-2:30
Friday 11-5
Saturday We are happy to come in by appointment. Please schedule your visit by midday Friday.
Please check our hours before visiting. They are subject to change from week to week.
May 18 - June 17
Denise Antaya (Award Judge), Under a Red Sky, 12x12, Oil, $1400 SOLD!
Tim Breaux (Award Judge), Early Harvest, 10x20, Oil, $1400
Cynthia Feustel (Award Judge), Quiet Thoughts, 16x12, Oil, $1950
Priya Ahlawat, The Hamilton, Oil, 20x15, $2500
Lee Alban, How the West Was Won, Oil, 16x29, $4800
Tom Altenburg, The Matriarch, Acrylic, 12x16, $1350
Stephanie Amato, Mandarins on Striped Cloth, Oil, 12x16, $1800
George Angelini, Incantation, Oil, 16x16, $2500 SOLD!
Blair Atherholt, Sangre, Oil, 12x10, $2250 SOLD!
Del-Bourree Bach, Summer Stroll, Acrylic, 5x12, $2400
Echo Baker, Girl Wearing Gold Earrings, Oil, 16x12, $1800
Chantel Barber, With a Warm Heart, Acrylic, 10x8, $895
Stacy Barter, Imported Peonies, Oil, 9x6, $750 SOLD!
Randall Bennett, Sunset Kudu, Oil, 12x16, $2400
Penny Billings, River Bend, Oil, 12x14, $4700
Linda Blackburn, I Am New, Oil, 18x14, $4500
Yvonne Bonacci, Bill and Bob, Oil, 20x16, $3200
Lily Braff, Vendor Market in NYC, Oil, 9x12, $900 SOLD!
Jill Brisner, Fiesta, Acrylic, 20x16, $700
Hebe Brooks, A Touch of Yellow, Oil, 24x12, $1900
Karen Budan, Just Red, Oil, 20x16, $3500
Brian Burt, Little Miss Bubbly, Oil, 20x10, $8500
John Buxton, Say What, Oil, 10x8, $2000
John Caggiano, The Old Barn, Oil, 12x16, $1950
Rod Castello, Bowl of Lemons, Oil, 11x14, $2850
Rosanne Cerbo, Easter Eggs, Oil, 14x11, $1500
Robin Cheers, Twilight in Taos, Oil, 10x18, $1250
Jenifer Cline, Peaceful, Oil, 10x20, $945
James Coe, Sunset Sky Over the Farm, Oil, 11x19, $1900
Donna Colleran, Mother and Child, Oil, 20x16, $3600
Michele Combs, Inviting R and R, Oil, 24x12, $1700
Lynette Cook, Duet, Acrylic, 10x10, $2500
Debra Cooper, A Quiet Moment with Tea and Monet's "Poppy Field," Oil 10x8, $695 SOLD!
Sandra Corpora, Laden Branches, Oil, 8x10, $700
Valerie Craig, Harbor Capers, Oil, 11x14, $1400
Steven Creighton, Still Life with Copper Pot, Oil, 16x12, $1200
Karen Crenshaw, Summer Morning on the Waterfront, Oil, 8x16, $495
Matthew Cutter, Rolling Sets, Acrylic, 8x16, $2500
Tony Damico, City Drizzle, Oil, 6x12, $1750
M. Camille Day, King of Cats, Oil, 14x11, $1800
Joye DeGoede, Double Dog Dare Ya, Oil, 16x20, $6800
Larry DeGraff, Shoal Creek Summer, Oil, 10x20, $1400 SOLD!!
Rick Delanty, Cascade, Acrylic, 12x12, $1800
Kim Diment, Reflections in Fawn, Acrylic, 24x11, $4200
David Dorsey, Down From the Mountains, Acrylic, 12x9, $850 SOLD!
Lan Du, Scented Roses, Oil, 12x9, $1400
Joel Edwards, Lady in White, Oil, 16x16, $1800
Sharon Egan, Dancing Surf, Oil, 16x29, $1320
John Eiseman, Harris Creek Vista, Oil, 14x18, $1450
Kevin Feary, Sunshine on Early November Snow, Oil, 12x16, $1400
Margie Florini, Still Blooming, Acrylic, 12x16, $1200
Christopher Forrest, Redtail Landing, Oil, 16x18, $1750
Lillian Forziat, On Hold, Oil, 14x11, $3800
Jeremy Goodding, Ammonite, Oil, 12x10, $1800
Catherine Hafer, Contentment, Oil, 9x12, $1200
Terri Haight, The Hiding Place, Oil, 9x12, $925
Robin Harris, Cookies and Milk, Acrylic, 20x16, $1600
Lihuai He, A Woman Lying on Her Back, Oil, 15x12, $30,000
Laurie Hendricks, Summer Play, Oil, 16x12, $1895
Paula Holtzclaw, Coastal Oaks, Oil, 11x14, $2600
Susan Hong-Sammons, Hiba, Oil, 12x16, $1400
Susan Hotard, Jeune Fille au Chapeau, Oil, 12x12, $1600
Brenda Howell, Charm of the Canyon, Oil, 16x20, $3900
Mary Hubley, Fishing Story, Oil, 12x16, $1200
Neal Hughes, Baileys Island Mist, Oil, 11x14, $1900 SOLD!!
Tracy Ingham, Waiting, Acrylic, 12x9, $700
Chunming Jia, Yellow Cabs, Oil, 10x20, $3250
Fengshi Jin, Portrait Series-28, Oil, 12x12, $3500
Frankie Johnson, Ruffles and Bow, Oil, 16x20, $2100
Chantal Julien, Mystere Hivernal, Oil, 8x16, $850
Jody Kauflin, Back on the Farm, Oil, 14x11, $700
Debra Keirce, Time to Gather, Oil, 12x12, $2000 SOLD!
Sheryl Knight, Serenity, Oil, 12x16, $1600
Sandra Kuck, Endangered, Oil, 16x20, $5500
Yelena Lamm, Laughing Stag, Oil, 24x10, $1600
Lili Anne Laurin, Twilight at Adero Canyon, Oil, 16x18, $2500
Bob Lavoie, Star Drive In, Oil, 14x18, $1200 SOLD!
Roger Leonard, Rio Carrabelle, Oil, 12x16, $2800
Barney Levitt, Freshly Picked, 8x10, Oil, $850
Lan Li, Valerie with Her Cello, Oil, 20x16, $4200
Cheng Lian, Peekaboo, Oil, 12x9, $1600
Tao Lin, Rose in Silver Water Pitcher, Oil, 12x9, $1000
Hui Lu, Sunshine on my Books, Oil, 16x20, $3000
David Mayer, Autumn Leaves Winter Arrives, Oil, 12x24, $1200
Gregory Mayse, Miles from Home, Oil, 20x16, $2575
Andrew McDermott, Side Street View, Acrylic, 9.5x16, $1300
Jill McGannon, Plant Riverside Savannah, Oil, 12x16, $1800
Patrick McGannon, Introspective, Oil, 20x16, $950 SOLD!!
Jonathan McPhillips, Winter's Last Stand, Oil, 16x20, $3200
Katherine Meade, Dune, Oil, 12x16, $1300
Patrick Meehan, Sweet and Salty, Oil, 16x12, $1600
Karen Merkin, Ghirardelli Chocolates, Oil, 11x14, $1200
Patricia Meyer, Abundance, Oil, 16x12, $1595
Rosa Montante, Lorrie's Sunflower, Oil, 14x11, $1300
Brenda Morgan, Drinks with Friends, Oil, 12x24, $2500
Barbara Nuss, In the Neighborhood, Oil, 14x20, $2600
Joseph Orr, No Snow Yet, Acrylic, 12x16, $2000
Sam Paonessa, Making a Splash Tiffany Falls, Acrylic, 5.75x12, $650
Jose Pardo, The Truth is in the Middle, Oil, 20x16, $1600
Susan Perrish, Goldrush, Oil, 20x16, $1000
Anita Pistor, The Freshman, Oil, 16x16, $1500 SOLD!
Sharon Pomales Tousey, Pebble Beah CA, Oil, 16x16, $2600
John Pototschnik, A Cherished Moment, Oil, 12x24, $3850
Lisa Price, Devotion, Oil, 20x16, $2000
Cher Pruys, Guri, Acrylic, 8x7, $6500
Sharon Repple, Light on Blue, Acrylic, 20x10, $700
J. Rodney Reveal, The Lookouts, Oil, 24x12, $1500
Elizabeth Rhoades, Summer Surge, Oil, 9x12, $800
Sherry Roper, Tangerines, Oil, 16x12, $1600
Lauren Rosenblum, Surface, Oil, 13.5x13.5, $1250
Louise Sackett, Memories of the Glory, Oil, 12x12, $650 SOLD!
Rita Salazar Dickerson, Breakfast Ride, Oil, 19x12, $2000
Manon Sander, Networking, Oil, 12x16, $1200
Trish Savides, The Red Sailboat, Oil, 16x20, $1800
John Schisler, Copper and Watermelon, Oil, 14x18, $1500
William Schneider, Final Stroke, Oil, 20x16, $3250
Jean Schwartz, Lost Horizon, Oil, 15x18, $1875
Elizabeth Scott, Roany Earns His Keep, Oil, 12x24, $3400
J Elaine Senack, Vine Ripe, Acrylic, 6x6, $790
Jim Serrett, Silver Bowl with Apples, Oil, 8x10, $700
Arena Shawn, Field of Gold, Oil, 9x12, $1275 SOLD!
Sandhyaa Shetty, Warm Brunch, Oil, 16x20, $2500
Tamara Sigler, Chicka WowWow, Oil, 5x7, $575
Robert Simone, Joined at the Hip, Oil, 12x16, $1700
Molly Sims, Snow Day, Oil, 20x16, $2000 SOLD!!
Laurie Snow Hein, Grand Canyon Rim, Oil, 12x16, $1400
Pavel Sokov, Taiwanese Gangster, Oil, 14x18, $6500
Carla Stroh, In Too Deep, Oil, 16x20, $1500
Shawn Sullivan, Insomnia, Oil, 16x20, $2000
Yan Sun, Harbor in Capri Island Italy, Oil, 16x20, $3000
James Swanson, Psychedelic Dog, Oil, 20x16, $3000
Hilary Swingle, Spotlight, Oil, 12x12, $2200
Zimou Tan, Tranquil Moment, Oil, 11x9, $2500
Nancy Tankersley, Mountain Treasures, Oil, 11x14, $1700
Anna Toberman, Light and Lace, Oil, 18x14, $1500
Lyudmila Tomova, Boat Dweller, Oil, 16x12, $975
Patricia Tribastone, The Message of the Roses, Oil, 12x12, $1800
Angela Trotta-Thomas, 50's Toys, Oil, 6x8, $895 SOLD!!
Cecy Turner, Hill Country Sunset, Oil, 16x20, $1800
Linghui Wang, Sunlight, Oil, 14x11, $1900
Trish Wend, Royal Silk, Oil, 18x14, $2600
Sandie Whitmam, Red Bandana, Oil, 20x16, $2250
Liane Whittum, Beauty and the Beast, Oil, 11x14, $2400
David Wicks, Lamp Shadow, Oil, 12x12, $800
Robin Williamson, Shadow Dancing, Oil, 16x12, $2500 SOLD!!
Keith Willis, Light Play on Jordan Pond, Oil, 20x16, $2200
Larry Winborg, Woodruff House, Oil, 12x16, $2200
Steve Wohler, Painter Creek, Oil, 16x12, $850
James Wolford, Con Pen and Cygnets, Oil, 16x20, $3200
Jian Wu, Tibetan Boy #2, Oil, 14x11, $8000
Ni Zhu, Blue Street, Oil, 9x12, $1400
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